Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm skipping over Screencasting for now while I wait for Jing to be introduced. That will be totally new for me.

I subscribed to the Podcast for the KGNU radio show 'Musica Mundi' on my 'My Yahoo' page. I was inspired to choose this one because a friends musical group was performing on this show and I noticed you could subscribe to a podcast of this program.

My Audacity software disappeared when I got a new computer and I haven't requested a new download yet since I don't see making a podcast very soon. Hopefully I can be excused from doing a podcast now as I did two for our previous Library Guides pages that were up for the last two years (recently removed) on how to identify journals vs. magazines and tips on finding journals.

Podcasts are really nice when audio is important in getting the message across (intonation; sound sampling; environment; music) and for listening to when doing other things (cleaning, exercising.) The problem can be that some sites allow simpler downloading to portable devices than others. Some I can't figure out at all.