Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I hate to say I also had a bad past experience with IM - inappropriate messages from people I don't really know. So - I was going to reactivate Yahoo IM and just do a message or two with Elaine for this exercise but I have to have an administrator upload that for me and it doesn't seem worth an adminstrators time right now (I get a new computer tonight). Checked my Google Talk for people in the library but didn't find anybody.

I also sometimes do Ask Auraria and so am familiar with that IM program.

So - this is somthing I do know how to use but have chosen not to use at this time. Should I need to use it for work, I do have the basics down. Thanks!

Week Five: Facebook

I didn't do this part of the 23 Things since I'm an expert Facebooker. In fact, after a year - years? - of non-stop, annoying messages and virtual gifts from people I barely know, I suspended my account. It's still there hanging in cyberspace. I intend to open a more anonymous one at some point after I get over the trauma of my last experience. : - )

For those friends and colleagues who were my Facebook buddies - no offense intended. The annoyances were not from you. They were from friends of friends of .... you get the idea.

I do miss receiving the and giving the occasional vampire bite, I'll admit.